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Order Details
Description Quantity Subscription Discount Price  
Windows VPS Standard subscription for
1 Year $ 539.70 $ 539.70 $ 539.70 Modify | Remove
Sales Tax: $ 0.00
Total: $ 539.70
Contact Information
Value cannot be blank
(e.g.: +1 503 7155370)
For security purposes, we check phone numbers for validity. Please provide a valid phone number to ensure your order is processed in a timely manner. We will never disclose your number to a third party.
Login Information
(Login must be between 5 and 254 characters long.)
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Passwords must be at least 7 characters long, containing numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters More details
Password Requirements X
To ensure a secure password, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
  • The minimum length for password is 7 characters.
  • The password must contain at least 3 different types (uppercase and lowercase letters, numeric, special characters).
  • If the password contains a dictionary word, the minimum length is 12 characters.
Payment Method
   I have read and I accept the HostMySite Terms of Service. I also understand that Domain Name registration orders cannot assure availability and are subject to these same Terms and Conditions.
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